Ward Goal

Building Christlike family relationships

Stake Goal

Find rest by placing the Savior and sacred covenants as the central priority in our lives.

Stake Message

We invite all members of our Stake to attend the temple during the month of May. Whether we take part in temple ordinances inside or enjoy the beautiful grounds outside, we will feel the spirit and love of the Lord.  Recently our Prophet promised, “time in the temple will help you to think celestial and to catch a vision of who you really are, who you can become, and the kind of life you can have forever.” Please reach out to your ministering families and invite them, too. Thank you!

Bishopric Message

April 2024

With the Easter season upon us, I have been thinking about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the blessings we have received in this day from His atoning sacrifice. This led me to a talk given by Elder Bednar entitled “A Christlike Character”, where he spoke about the character of the Lord Jesus Christ. In his talk, he stated a quote from Elder Neil A. Maxwell that said, “There could have been no Atonement without the character of Christ.” Elder Bednar then continues to speak on a few examples of Christ’s character, from the Last Supper to His time spent on the Cross. Knowing of the betrayal and great suffering that He would endure, Christ still loved and offered multiple blessings to the people around Him, even until His final moments on the cross.

What an amazing example of selfless compassion and love Christ is! As we move throughout our busy lives, we will surely come across challenges and trials of our own, and know that others are likely going through them as well. Whether it is a friend, family member, ward member, or a stranger, reach out when prompted by the Spirit and offer help when possible. You never know the impact you’ll have on someone’s day by giving something as simple as a smile.

Happy Easter!

Ryan DeJesus

Spotlight Family

The Allan Family

We’re the Allan family! Karl and Jayci will hit their 15 year anniversary in April 2024. We have three kids Bodhi, Reese (9), and Gage (4). Karl grew up in Orem, UT and Jayci grew up in Flowell, UT. We met at work. We lived in Springville until moving to Mapleton 5 years ago. We LOVE Mapleton! Karl works for Vivint doing sales. He loves motorcycles, skiing, and guns. Jayci is the VP of Finance at Nexio. She enjoys walking and lifting weights, cooking/baking, reading, seeing new places, and a clean house. Reese is in the 3rd grade and loves volleyball, playing with friends, horseback riding, singing, skiing, playing in the rain, and making up dances. Reese is the best big sister to Gage. Gage loves to color, play with friends, Pokémon, and playing in the hot tub. We love spending time together as a family. We especially enjoy camping, razor rides, going to the beach, movie nights, baking together, playing games (we’re a big Uno family), and early bed times. We love our ward family and are grateful to be able to raise our family around so many amazing people! 

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